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Showing 58 Results for Ian Gilbert in Books and magazines > Books Grid | List
  • Deep Learning By Ian Goodfellow Rs.5,716
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    "Written by three experts in the field, Deep Learning is the only comprehensive book on the subject." -- Elon Musk , cochair of OpenAI; cofounder and CEO of Tesla and SpaceX Deep learning is a form of machine learning that enables computers to lear…
  • Essays By Plutarch Rs.1,200 Rs.936
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  • On Sparta By Plutarch Rs.1,200 Rs.936
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    Plutarch's vivid and engaging portraits of the Spartans and their customs are a major source of our knowledge about the rise and fall of their remarkable…
  • Political Parties and Democratic Linkage: … By Russell J Dalton Rs.3,536
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Showing 58 Results for Ian Gilbert in Books and magazines > Books Grid | List
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