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Showing 759 Results for David J Peterson in Books and magazines > Books Grid | List
  • An Introduction to Global Studies By Patricia J Campbell Rs.4,383
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    Taking an interdisciplinary approach, "An Introduction to Global Studies" presents readers with a solid introduction to the complex, interconnected forces and issues confronting today's globalized world.…
  • Survival Analysis: Techniques for Censored … By John P Klein Rs.9,228
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    Applied statisticians in many fields frequently analyze time-to-event data. While the statistical tools presented in this book are applicable to data from medicine, biology, public health,…
  • Como Crece una Semilla= How a Seed Grows … By Helene J Jordan Rs.524 Rs.408
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    Aprende y Descubre La Ciencia Como crece una semilla Como puede una pequena bellota crecer hasta llegar a ser un gran roble? Este libro nos ensena…
  • On Sparta By Plutarch Rs.1,200 Rs.936
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    Plutarch's vivid and engaging portraits of the Spartans and their customs are a major source of our knowledge about the rise and fall of their remarkable…
Showing 759 Results for David J Peterson in Books and magazines > Books Grid | List
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