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Vladimir Lenin
Rs. 460
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Fulfilled By Infibeam
Sold by Infibeam Seller
Ships in 15 - 18 Days
Lenin's hugely significant Marxist text now published in the }Great Ideas{ series.…
Arnold's Problems
Vladimir I Arnol D
Rs. 6,715
In Stock
Fulfilled By Infibeam
Sold by Infibeam Seller
Ships in 11 - 18 Days
Vladimir Arnold is one of the most outstanding mathematicians of our time Many of these problems are at the front line of current research…
Real Time Vision for Human Computer …
B Kisacanin
Rs. 12,516
In Stock
Fulfilled By Infibeam
Sold by Infibeam Seller
Ships in 11 - 18 Days
The need for natural and effective Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is increasingly important due to the prevalence of computers in human activities. Computer vision and pattern recognition…