About The Book
"A beautiful heiress is fatally poisoned in a West End restaurant
Six people sit down to dinner at a table laid for seven. In front of the empty place is a sprig of rosemary-in solemn memory of Rosemary Barton who died at the same…
About The Book
"A novel of anger, jealousy, betrayal and murder in 2000 BC
It is Egypt, 2000 BC, where death gives meaning to life. At the foot of a cliff lies the broken, twisted body of Nofret, concubine to a Ka-priest. Young, beautiful and ve…
About The Book A facsimile first edition hardback of one of Poirot's most famous cases, published to mark the 80th anniversary of his first appearance. The tranquillity of a cruise along the Nile was shattered by the discovery that Linnet Ridgeway had…