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Books and magazines

Showing 403 Results for J J Sakurai in Books and magazines Grid | List
  • Modern Quantum Mechanics By J J Sakurai Rs.5,070 Rs.5,044
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    Modern Quantum Mechanics is a classic graduate level textbook, covering the main quantum mechanics concepts in a clear, organized and engaging manner. The author, Jun John Sakurai, was a renowned theorist in particle theory. The second edition, revise…
    Also available in: Modern Quantum Mechanics
  • A Study of History: Abridgement of Volumes I … By Arnold J Toynbee Rs.1,560 Rs.1,257
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    Of Somervell's work, Toynbee wrote, 'The reader now has at his command a uniform abridgement of the whole book, made by a clear mind that has not only mastered the contents but has entered into the writer's outlook and purpose.' Arnold Toynbee's A Stu…
  • J 14, 1 year, english Rs.8,388 Rs.7,045
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    Ships in 196 - 294 Days
    J-14 is a monthly teenage magazine marketed at girls in their early teens and younger. The contents of these magazines include features like teen gossip, quizzes, fashion, posters, and information on celebrities that pertain to the readers. …
  • Brand Messiah: A Timely Lesson for Our Age By J Jonathan Gabay Rs.921 Rs.713
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Showing 403 Results for J J Sakurai in Books and magazines Grid | List
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