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Books and magazines

Showing 622 Results for John C Maxwell in Books and magazines Grid | List
  • Principles of Dental Imaging By Olaf E Langland Rs.6,196
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  • Statistical Fluid Mechanics, Volume 1: … By A S Monin Rs.2,996 Rs.2,337
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    "If ever a book on turbulence could be called definitive," declared "Science, " "it is this book by two of Russia's most eminent and productive scientists…
  • Rhyme's Reason: A Guide to English Verse By John Hollander Rs.921
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    In this classic text, the distinguished poet and critic John Hollander surveys the schemes, patterns, and forms of English verse, illustrating each variation with an original and witty self-descriptive example. In new essays for this revised edition, …
  • The History of Mr. Polly By H G Wells Rs.750 Rs.585
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    Mr. Polly is an ordinary middle-aged man who is tired of his wife's nagging and his dreary job as the owner of a regional gentleman's outfitters.…
Showing 622 Results for John C Maxwell in Books and magazines Grid | List
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