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Books and magazines

Showing 86 Results for Edgar N Sanchez in Books and magazines Grid | List
  • Encountering the Chinese: A Modern Country, … By Hu Wenzhong Rs.1,875
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    A practical and sensitive cross-cultural analysis of the cultures of China, with insights on communication and social and business interactions.…
  • John Dryden Selected Poems By John Dryden Rs.1,275 Rs.994
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    In his lifetime, John Dryden gained fame at the cost first of gossip and scandal and then of suspicion and scorn. He wrote to order, currying…
  • The Rock 'n' Roll Classroom: Using Music to … Rs.3,000
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    The Rock'n' Roll Classroomgives teachers of all grade levels specific ways to use music in the classroom to raise mood, manage energy levels, increase engagement and…
  • Auditory Trauma, Protection, and Repair By Arthur N Popper Rs.13,425 Rs.11,814
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    The past decade has brought great advances in our understanding of the mechanisms underlying auditory pathologies. Molecular biology and genetics have primarily contributed to this enhanced…
Showing 86 Results for Edgar N Sanchez in Books and magazines Grid | List
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