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Books and magazines

Showing 226 Results for Neil S Norton in Books and magazines Grid | List
  • Carbon Nanotube and Graphene Device Physics By Hon Sum Philip Wong Rs.6,981
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    The first introductory textbook to explain the properties and performance of practical nanotube devices and related applications. Explaining the properties and performance of practical nanotube devices…
  • Invertebrate Zoology: A Functional … By Edward E Ruppert Rs.6,453 Rs.6,259
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    This thorough revision of 'Invertebrate Zoology' provides a survey by groups, emphasizing adaptive morphology & physiology, while covering anatomical ground plans & basic developmental patterns. The…
  • The Wit & Wisdom of Winston Churchill: A … By James C Humes Rs.974 Rs.759
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    One of the most charismatic and fascinating figures of the 20th century, Winston Churchill was a prolific writer, masterful orator, and consummate wit. In The Wit…
  • Bifurcation Theory and Catastrophe Theory By V S Afrajmovich Rs.11,925 Rs.10,971
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    Bifurcation theory and catastrophe theory are two well-known areas within the field of dynamical systems. Both are studies of smooth systems, focusing on properties that seem…
Showing 226 Results for Neil S Norton in Books and magazines Grid | List
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