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Books and magazines

Showing 607 Results for J C Greenburg in Books and magazines Grid | List
  • Thirteen Persistent Economic Fallacies By E J Mishan Rs.5,136
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    E. J. Mishan, an iconoclastic economist who has taught at such schools as the London School of Economics and the New School for Social Research, is…
  • India: The Ancient Past: A History of the … By Burjor Avari Rs.2,434 Rs.1,326
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    This carefully crafted study presents the fascinating story of the development and establishment of Indias culture and civilization from early pre-history through to the early second millennium. Encompassing topics such as Harappan Civilization, the r…
  • Alice in Wonderland By Lewis Carroll Rs.548
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    Coming Soon This perennially popular Norton Critical Edition again reprints the 1897 editions of Alice 's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass along with the 1876 edition…
  • Modern Nutrition in Health and Disease By Benjamin Caballero Rs.10,603 Rs.10,496
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    Coming Soon
Showing 607 Results for J C Greenburg in Books and magazines Grid | List
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