A New York Times #1 Bestseller An Amazon #1 Bestseller A Wall Street Journal #1 Bestseller A USA Today Bestseller A Sunday Times Bestseller Winner of the Financial Times and McKinsey Business Book of the Year Award Winner of the British …
Better Results and Less Stress through Proven Techniques To be fully engaged in life means that we have clear goals as well as the focus and skills to accomplish those goals with ease and a sense of calm awareness. In his first book, The Practicing…
The Millionaire Mind targets a population of millionaires who have accumulated substantial wealth and live in ways that openly demonstrate their affluence. Exploring the ideas, beliefs, and behaviours that enabled these millionaires to build and maint…
About the Book Thisbookinvestigatesinnerworkingsofoveradozenmajorfinancialandnonfinancial companies,revealswhatwentwrongandproposesaremedy.Regulatorstoomustlearnfrom pastmistakesandrequire"constructivedialogue"forcompanies theysupervise.…
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