About The Book : Hurtle Duffield is incapable of loving anything except what he paints. The men and womenwho court him during his long life are, above all, the victims of his art. He is thevivisector, dissecting their weaknesses with cruel precision: …
About The Book The University, a renowned bastion of knowledge, attracts the brightest minds to unravel the mysteries of enlightened sciences like artificing and alchemy. Yet deep below its bustling halls lies a complex and cavernous maze of abandone…
About the book A writer discovers a set of notes in his notebook and sets off on a journey through the Paris of his past, in search of the woman he loved forty years previously. Set in the Montparnasse district of Paris, the author, Jean, retraces his…
About The Book Brisk, smart, witty, elliptical ...Recalls the directors of the New Wave ...Bracing and brilliant'Independent When Patrick Modiano was awarded the 2014 Nobel Prize for Literature he was praised for using the 'art of memory' to bring to …
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